Category Archives: PC

It Takes 5 Billion Years To See Every Planet In ‘No Man’s Sky’

No Man's SkyHello Games’ No Man’s Sky has been receiving quite a bit of hype ever since it was announced due to its unique gameplay and visuals. In the game you have the ability to explore the near-infinite bounds of space, with each planet being unique from the last.

Every game has to have a limit, right? Well, sort of. In an interview with IGN, Hello Studios’ co-founder Sean Murray said that it would take approximately 5 billion years to see everything in the game.

Yup, that’s a pretty long time.

No Man’s Sky is being developed for the PlayStation 4 and PC and is set to be released sometime next year.

Sierra Is Officially Alive Again, Planning New 'King's Quest' For 2015

Last week we were all teased with a Sierra logo that hinted that the company may be coming back from the dead, and now we have the confirmation that it is all true.

The original founder of the company, Ken Williams, said the following:

“We’re very proud of what we created all those years ago with Sierra Online, and today’s news about carrying Sierra forward as an indie-specific brand is very encouraging.”

He goes on to mention their immediate game plans:

“We look forward to seeing Sierra’s independent spirit live on, and are especially excited to see what The Odd Gentlemen will do with King’s Quest.”

Sierra was a classic gaming company in the late 80’s and early 90’s, so seeing that kind of retro spirit back in the current gaming world will be great. I love the fact that they are focusing on indie developers to bring more attention to those more unique titles, while also re-imagining some of their past classics with current hardware.

Dead Island 2 Just Got A Gloriously Gruesome Gameplay Trailer!

Dead Island has a reputation for featuring an impressive assortment of ways to brutally kill zombies, and if this new gameplay trailer for Dead Island 2 is anything to go by then that fact is only going to be amplified in the game’s sequel.

The game takes place in California immediately after the events of Dead Island and Escape Dead Island as the state is put under quarantine due to this viscous zombie outbreak. It’s up to you to stay alive and mutilate as many zombies as you can in as many ways as you can come up with, so you better bring plenty of weapons.

Check out the gameplay trailer for Dead Island 2 below. [youtuber youtube=’’%5D

Dead Island 2 is being developed by Yager Development and published by Deep Silver for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.


Resident Evil Remake Being Remastered, Coming Early Next Year

The fantastic Resident Evil GameCube remake that came out in 2002 is getting the remaster treatment. Capcom has announced that they will be remastered the game for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

As for what this remaster will be doing for the 2002 game, the game is being upgraded to 1080p on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, will have enhanced 3D models and textures, and will contain 5.1 surround sound. The game will also allow you to switch between the game’s original 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9.

Capcom released a video in which two producers from Capcom Japan discuss this new remaster. Check it out below. [youtuber youtube=’′%5D

The Resident Evil remaster is set to be released in early 2015.

Dead Island 2, Metro Redux, Deep Silver, Sacred 3

Deep Silver Reveals Lineup For Gamescom

Deepsilver has revealed all of the games that they will be displaying at this years Gamescom convention, with over 150 stations being available for attendees to play them on.

Some of the games that they are set to display that are most prominent are Metro Redux, Risen 3: Titan Lords, Sacred 3, Dead Island 2 and Emergency 5.

All of these games definitely have different kinds of appeal, although Dead Island 2 is certainly the most popular game they have set to display. Their original Dead Island was a very successful survival horror role-playing game, and the sequel is currently targeting a Spring 2015 release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

No Man's Sky A Timed-Exclusive On PS4, Coming To PC Later

No Man’s Sky is shaping up to be one of the most intriguing games of the year, with all gameplay we have seen being space travel through a world that is infinite.

This game was shown at PlayStation’s E3 press conference earlier this year, but it has now been confirmed by the developers that the game will also be coming to the PC at a later date.

Developer Hello Games’ Sean Murray said the following in an interview with Edge Magazine:

I actually got in a bit of trouble for saying that we wanted the game to feel really ‘console-y,. We’ve always had PC in mind but in my head [console-y] means solid framerate and immediate controls. I think a PC game can be ‘console-y’ and it’s intended as a compliment, but I get in trouble for saying it.”

No Man’s Sky does not currently have a release date.


Evolve Alpha Starts This Weekend

Turtle Rock Studios’ highly-anticipated co-op FPS Evolve is set to start its alpha this weekend. If you’ve any interest in the title and have the systems that can run it, be sure to check your inbox as there just may be an alpha code waiting for you.

The twitter account for Evolve announced that the first wave of Evolve alpha codes have been sent out, although they also note that there will be more opportunities to get in on the alpha in the future.

The alpha will runs from August 1st to August 3rd, so get to it!

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Release Date Moved Up

Warner Bros. Interactive has revealed that Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor has moved up a week, making it yet another game that is sneaking out of the over-crowded month of October.

The game was originally set to release on October 7th, but now it is hitting North America on September 30th. The game will then be released on PC and Steam on October 2nd.

WB claims that the release was moved up due to fans excitement, but I think it’s pretty obvious that October 7th  was simply too crowded of a release date. The date still hols NBA 2k15, DriveClub and Alien: Isolation, with Dragon Age: Inquisition recently being pushed back to November from its original October 7th release date.

Tropico 5

The First Tropico 5 DLC Is Bringing The Cheese!

For those of you who can’t get enough of the latest installment in the Tropico series, well I have some interesting news for you to digest (HEH!). It has just been brought to my attention that the first DLC for Tropico 5 is going to focus on cheese production. If there was ever a bit of DLC that had my name on it, I do believe this is the one.

The DLC is known as “The Big Cheese” and will cost you $3.99, but will also be free for those proactive folks who pre-purchased on Steam. The game showcases El Presidente’s desire to make his own cheese factory, which just so happens to feature a production chain that relies on the labor of the island’s goats and llamas.

What’s the catch to all this amazing-ness? Well, all of the other countries will be trying to make a cheese factory that puts yours to shame. You better make sure your goats and llamas are prepared for lots of overtime.

The DLC is available right now dudes and dudettes!

Alien Isolation

The Cast Of Alien Discusses How Alien: Isolation Is A Whole Different Experience

Alien: Isolation is one of many highly-anticipated games coming out in the month of October, and in a new trailer we get to see the cast of the original movie talking about how much different of an experience it is.

Many of them note how in a movie you are just a spectator, but the fact that this is a video game puts you right into the world with no escape. Check out the trailer below.

Alien: Isolation is being developed by The Creative Assembly for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC. It is scheduled for release on October 7th, 2014.

BioShock Remaster

Is 2K Teasing A New BioShock Game?

Those teases! The people at 2K have taken to the company’s official twitter account to post an image that brings with it a whole lot of teasing.

The picture in question is a poster from the original BioShock‘s Eve’s Garden. What truly makes this a tease, however, is with 2K’s accompanying caption that reads, “Oooo, what COULD this mean?”

There’s no question that 2K Games is looking at more BioShock in the future due to how incredibly well BioShock Infinite was received, so this could definitely be a hint at an announcement coming soon. Considering this is an image from the original BioShock, maybe we could be looking at a remaster on current generation systems?

Check out the image below.

BioShock Remaster

Battlefield Hardline

Battlefield May Be Transitioning To A 3-Year Development Cycle

EA has stated that the way in which future Battlefield games are developed could be changing.

When asked about whether or not Activision’s move to a 3-year development cycle for the Call of Dute franchise had any effect on how EA is currently handling the Battlefield franchise, EA Studios EVP Patrick Soderlund said the following:

“What they [Activision] are doing mimics to some extent how we’re thinking. Obviously, more time, if managed correctly, yields a better product. So I would say that we’re similarly aligned, and that we’re taking a similar approach, but we haven’t articulated exactly what teams are working [on], because that would imply announcing things that we can’t right now.”

This would be a very wise move for the Battlefield franchise as a whole, because just about everyone agrees that the Battlefield 4 launch was a disaster. With many left unimpressed with what the Battlefield Hardline beta had to offer, it’s probably a good idea for them to take a little more time to fully-realize future installments.

Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs Fan Mod Releases Final Update

There had been a lot of hoopla over the fact that Watch Dogs‘ graphics were downgraded compared to when it was first revealed and what the finished project looked like. This upset many, because they felt that Ubisoft was basically dishing out false advertising by doing a bit of a bait and switch.

However, there is one fan who has taken the matter into his own hands and has been sharing a PC mod that greatly increases the game’s graphics. The gamer goes by the name of TheWorse (real name Frederico Rojas) and he has been releasing updates that have steadily improved aspects of the core game, such as rain effects and vibrancy.

He just posted what he is calling the final update for the game, writing the following on his blog:

“This is the last release of my modification. I did my best to improve graphics and performance as much as I could without degrading quality.”

So, if you’re a PC gamer and are into game mods, you should probably give it a shot. There is definitely some big improvements made, and a prettier looking game for the price of nothing certainly isn’t a bad thing!

The Walking Dead Amid the Ruins

The Walking Dead Season 2 'Amid The Ruins' Debuts Next Week

The second to last episode for The Walking Dead Season 2 is called Amid The Ruins, and Telltale Games has revealed that the penultimate episode will be coming out next week.

The new episode is set to launch on the PC, PS3 and Vita on July 22nd, Xbox 360 on July 23rd and iOS on July 24th. The episode will cost $5 individually, but you can also have the whole season paid for with a season pass that costs $19.99.

Check out the trailer for the new episode below. [youtuber youtube=’’%5D


The Crew Will Receive Regular Free Content Updates

Ivory Tower and Ubisoft Reflections’ upcoming open-world racer The Crew is set to receive regular free content, according to the game’s creative director.

Creative Director Julian Gerighty said the following:

“One of the things that I really want to do is to keep providing people with content after launch. So free content just to keep people engaged in the game. I really see this as your one-stop shop for action driving.”

The Crew is set to launch on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on November 11th.