Tag Archives: Dark Souls II

Dark Souls II DLC Called The Lost Crowns Trilogy Coming This Summer

Bandai Namco has revealed that three new chapters of DLC will be coming to Dark Souls II this summer. The first of the 3 DLC chapters is called Crown of the Sunken King and will be released on July 22nd.

Chris Gilbert of Bandai Namco said the following about the DLC:

“To say we are excited to unleash these three new chapters to Dark Souls II fans is an understatement,” said Chris Gilbert, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Bandai Namco Games America. “Bandai Namco Games is very proud of the universal praise and enjoyment fans have both given and received from Dark Souls 2. The Lost Crowns trilogy and more specifically the Crown of the Sunken King will kick off what will surely be an exciting summer of speculation and anticipation of the new battles, challenges and triumphs to come amongst our most ardent fans.”

The other two DLC chapters are called Crown of the Old Iron King and Crown of the Ivory King and will be released on August 26th and September 24th, respectively.

The chapters will cost $9.99 individually, but if you buy them all together you save $5. The DLC will be available for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

My Judgment:

I adore this series, so any excuse to jump back into it is fine with me. I’m wondering how lengthy these chapters will be, because 10 bucks a pop is pretty pricey. However, if they can deliver awesome gameplay then I’m all for it.

Dark Souls II Review PlayStation 3

Dark Souls II (PlayStation 3) Review – No Pain, No Gain

Do you ever find yourself feeling a bit bored with modern video games? Perhaps you’re finding that there really isn’t all that much of a challenge being offered and that you can make it through just about any game with little to no pain? Well, if you don’t know by now, then let me inform you that developer From Software’s Souls series is for you. The series takes the tried & true role-playing hack and slash formula, and gives it a modern-day sheen with a difficulty that makes most games today seem like a piece of cake. Here we have Dark Souls II and, with no surprise, it is just as good as its excellent predecessors.

When you first dive into the world of Dark Souls II, you’re in an unknown place and you’re only real goal is to explore. You enter a house filled with creepy old ladies that tell you all about how important souls are, and scare the crap out of you by telling you that you will die again and again and again. This is where you are given the ability to choose your class and perks, ranging from the usual classes that will give you varying degrees of strength, magic, endurance, speed and so on.

The world in Dark Souls II is known as Drangleic, which is the home of a kingdom with a truly dark background. As you move on it isn’t long until you come across the first town of Drangleic, Majula, which serves as the games hub world. It’s here that you will use the souls found by enemies to upgrade your weapons, armor and stats, purchase new items and equipment and much more. The world of Dark Souls II is presented in a similarly open-world manner like the original Dark Souls, so it’s nice to have a place to come back to to stock up on supplies and beef up your character. This reminded me a bit of the hub world that was in Demon’s Souls, which is a very good thing, in my book.

Dark Souls Review 1

Like previous Souls games, the main focus is on exploration and combat. You have a vague idea of the story and what you need to do to complete the game, but the majority of your time will be spent cautiously treading through new areas and taking on unthinkable amounts of deadly monsters. While there may be some that would like a bit more story and cutscenes, I think that this is one of the main things that makes the Souls series stand out. In a world where games are becoming more and more like movies and more emphasis is being put on production values and big sequences, Dark Souls II constantly has you immersed in its world thanks to its constant gameplay mode that doesn’t even allow you to pause.

As you make your way through the game you come across new areas, and when you get to a new area it is your mission to get to the end of it an face the boss (or bosses) that reside at the end. Some areas will have environmental traps or dangers like lava, arrows, fake treasure chests, hidden pits and more. The enemies are all truly viscous, as even the smallest of foes can kill you quickly if you’re not careful. The bosses of the game, (which there are more of than any other Souls game) will also test your sanity and make you utilize trial & error before you finally vanquish your foe. Thus, every aspect of the Dark Souls II world is created to make your life living nightmare.

The beauty of Dark Souls II is that you have little to no idea about where to go next. You are simply thrown into a terrifying world with a very vague idea of what to do, but after that you are on your own. This makes the tensions and sense of awe that much more tangible as you progress through the game, because you truly never know what could be lurking around the corner. It’s up to you to dive in head first and take on all of the game’s trials in order to grow stronger. This is done largely by the collection of souls, which are acquired from fallen enemies, bosses and treasure chests. You want to make sure that you have a solid idea about what kind of character you want to build, as souls are precious and, if used incorrectly, could get you in a lot of trouble.

Dark Souls Review 2

The mechanics of Dark Souls II remains similar to that of previous games in the series. You have a health meter and a stamina meter, and both can be improved by equipment or by leveling up with souls. Stamina is very important because it dictates how many times you can attack before your character is winded and needs to recharge. The total understanding of how much stamina your attacks take is vital to know, because if you take one swing too many then you leave yourself open for what very well could be a quick death. This isn’t a game that you can get through by just charging through, and if you attempt to play it that way it will only bring you a lot of frustration and a lot of death.

There are a few tweaks that have been made to the formula, and they are all to make the game even harder than previous installments. First up is the fact that there are limited enemy respawns at each bonfire. This means that when you kill the enemies in the area a certain amount of times they will no longer respawn. You may think this is a good thing, but in reality this now means that you can’t stay in one spot and farm souls infinitely any more. Another major tweak is that you can be invaded by other players at any time, regardless of your characters human or hollowed state. These things add enough of a wrench into the gameplay to make the experience feel even more brutal and unforgiving than ever before.

Being invaded by other players in Dark Souls II continues to be as much of a gut-wrenching experience as it was previously. As you wander through certain locales and see the message pop up at the bottom of you screen, it never failed to make me stop in my tracks and become legitimately scared. Not only does this game allow invasions happen at any time, but it also adds a twist to the circumstances in which said invasions take place. For example: if you utilize a certain item in the game, you summon an enemy player into your world where your world’s monsters will focus there attacks on them. When this happens, it’s safe to say that you feel utterly helpless and wish all kinds of bodily harm on the sick SOB that did this to you.

Dark Souls II Review 3

Dark Souls II is phenomenal across the board. Like its predecessors, it consistently enthralls you in its world and constantly asks you to overcome insurmountable odds. The world of Drangleic is filled to the brim with personality and secrets, which all beg you to come and discover them in a quest that can easily last you well over 60 hours. It may not introduce anything strikingly different compared to previous games in the series, but when the execution of ever facet of the game is done so well I can’t fault it. The Souls series continues to be a breath of fresh air in an industry that is increasingly becoming one about holding your hand and flashing pretty colors in front of you, and Dark Souls II is yet another game that kicks that notion (and you) in the balls.


Titanfall Was The Highest-Selling Game Of March 2014

The March 2014 sales report has been revealed by the NPD Group, which reveals that the highest-selling game last month was none other than Respawn Entertainment‘s FPS Titanfall.

Titanfall released on the Xbox One and PC, which gave it a sizable boost over the PlayStation 4 exclusive inFamous: Second Son. The top 5 selling games for 2014 are as follows:

  1. Titanfall (Xbox One, PC)
  2. inFamous: Second Son (PlayStation 4)
  3. South Park: The Stick of Truth (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC)
  4. Call of Duty: Ghosts (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC)
  5. Dark Souls II (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

Condemn (OR) Condone:

March will go down as one of the best months that gaming has had in a while, as 4 of the top 5 games received great reviews across the board. I would personally have liked to see Dark Souls II at the top of this list because it blew my freakin’ head right off my shoulders, but I won’t complain about Titanfall either. Hooray for gaming!

Reserved Judgment – See How People (Like Me) Are Dying In Dark Souls II

Dark Souls II has finally been released and it’s causing all kinds of mental trauma to all who play it. This game has become even more difficult compared to its already difficult predecessors, and Namco Bandai has a incorporated a stat tracker that records all the ways that people are dying in the game.

The following is the amount of times that people have died through various ways in Dark Souls II. Note: I account for MANY of these deaths.

  • Falls: 590,589 deaths
  • Traps: 57,509 deaths
  • Other players: 43,711 deaths
  • Enemies: 2,186,193 deaths
  • Other: 91,500 deaths

So, as you can see, simply falling off of things is by far the most common way for people to die in Dark Souls II. I can personally vouch for this, as I often end up falling off of narrow pathways or when blindly running away from an enemy trying to flippin’ murder me. There will be many more where that came from…

Trailer Judgment – Dark Souls II Launch Trailer

Dark Souls II will finally be launching tomorrow and allow all of the series’ fans to die MANY MORE TIMES. To get everyone pumped up for the destruction, Namco Bandai has released a launch trailer for the game.

The trailer shows off some FMV sequences and gameplay showing off all of the viscous enemies and bosses that players will be battling against. The whole thing has a very atmospheric and creepy vibe going on, appearing even darker than its predecessor.

Check out the launch trailer below.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z2OVha_hno’%5D

Condemn (OR) Condone:

This is how you do a launch trailer. I shows off everything that made the first game great and tosses it all into an even more sinister blender. If I wasn’t ready for Dark Souls II yet (which I was), then I sure as hell am now.

Judgment: Condone


The judgments are the following:

CondemnHate it | (O)rDislike it | (OR)Indifferent | o(R)Like it | CondoneLove it

Dark Souls II

Dark Souls II Hollow Lullaby Trailer

Dark Souls II

My most anticipated game of the year, Dark Souls II, release next month on March 11, and now a new trailer called Hollow Lullaby has been released. It shows how the journey from Dark Souls has lead to this new one, and all of the trials that got us there. Honestly, it’s probably the closest thing to inspirational that can ever be said in the same sentence as the name Dark Souls. Continue reading

My Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2014

My Most Anticipated Video Games Of 2014


So… most people usually publish these kinds of lists at the very beginning of the year, but hey, I’m not most people (and let me tell you, that’s a good thing for society as a whole). Anyways, the first month of the year was pretty slow, and now there’s finally some potentially awesome games on the horizon for gamers. So, without further ado (or adon’t), here are my most anticipated video games of 2014. Continue reading

You Can Be Invaded In 'Dark Souls II' Even When Hollow


Dark Souls II is coming out in just a bit over a month from now, and developer From Software has given OPM some information that looks to be making the game EVEN MORE difficult than previous installments. According to producer Takeshi Miyazoe, Dark Souls II will allow other players to invade your game even when you are hollow, meaning that you are never safe. *gulp* Continue reading

IGN Reveals Dark Souls II Gameplay

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_JFDPCtXFY’%5D

The first taste of Dark Souls II gameplay is here! IGN got together with the Dark Souls II director Yui Tanimura and Global Producer Tak Myazoe and they walked IGN through some new things that they have to offer in the upcoming game. You can check out the video and all of the Dark Souls madness it brings at the end of the article.shh

After watching the demo, I can say that this sequel looks very similar to how the original Dark Souls plays. You have expansive environments, dark corridors and huge enemies waiting to kill you instantly at every turn. It appears that the game will be very similar, combat-wise, as the layout has carried over identically. This is all to be expected, as they are going with a direct sequel this time, rather than changing the name completely like they did when releasing Dark Souls after Demon’s Souls.shh

However, where I think this game is going to differ the most is in the amount of detail that each battle, environment and interaction will bring to the table. From the demo, it seemed like most of the areas had a lot more personality compared to the often stark and abandoned areas players have come to expect form the series. One area has a hallway that was embellished with huge paintings and furniture, while an area shown at the end of the demo had a huge castle that almost seems suspended in midair while dozens of dragons fly around its perimeter (pictured above). It’s these kinds of details that I think will make Dark Souls II an even more epic experience.shh

A few new things were mentioned about the combat, as well. It sounds like the enemies are going to be even more viscous than they ever have been before. One of the best assurances you had in Dark Souls was the fact that if you snuck up behind an enemy, you would be able to surprise them with a back-stab that would score you big damage on them. From the demo, it looks like those back-stabs are no longer a safe bet, as new types of enemies can now fall backwards on you and crush you. To make matters even worse, the bad guys can now crash through walls in their pursuit of you, making the escape of a battle even more difficult. The demo showed a giant beast behind a cell that was just standing there, but when the player shot an arrow through the bars the beast became enraged and smashed through the wall for payback. Gulp!shh

It seems that there is still a lot more to be shown from this game, and the biggest thing that still remains hidden is the story. From the first official trailer of the game, it appeared that the story would be more in-depth and focused than in previous games. The director of Dark Souls II even brought up the fact that this game would be a more emotional and interactive experience than previous games were, so I wouldn’t be surprised if a meatier story is on the horizon. I don’t think it’s a big deal since the gameplay is so incredibly fun, but I think it would offer a nice change of pace.shh

So there you have it! We have gotten our first taste of gameplay for the sequel to the fantastic Dark Souls. I can’t freakin’ wait to get this game and then die in 4 seconds, only to try again and die in 2 seconds! Never has a game been so addictive and aggravating at the same time, and from what I’ve seen so far Dark Souls II will be bringing a whole lot more of that madness. The game does not have a release date, at the moment, though we know that it isn’t coming to next-gen consoles. That would make me think that a late 2013 to early 2014 at the latest release date could be expected.shh

You can check out the 12-minute IGN demo at the top of this post and the official trailer for Dark Souls II below!shh

