Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy 7 Director Discusses Remake Possibility

Final Fantasy VII

Fans of Final Fantasy VII have been begging for years for a remake of the beloved RPG, though thanks to commitments to new games in the franchise, a remake has never been green-lit. What is the hold up?

The director of Final Fantasy VII, Yoshinori Kitasespoke with Eurogamer and the prospects of a Final Fantasy VII remake came into the conversation. Kitase was quoted saying that it is something that he would like to do, but also notes that it would be a humongous undertaking in which a lot of things would have to line up correctly.

He said, “I can honestly tell you I would love to do that. If you simply ask me if I personally would like to do that, yes I would. Definitely. There’s no lie about it. But you must believe me when I say it would take a lot to happen.”

He goes on to say, “Even if I casually say I would like to do that, because it would be a huge project I would have to motivate myself to the level that I really am prepared to take on this huge responsibility,” he said. “I don’t know if those three things will happen simultaneously. It has to tick lots of very big boxes. I won’t rule out the possibility, but it would take a lot to make it happen. But should I ever take it on, it would have to be the biggest project I’ve done. My life work. So I would have to be as highly motivated as that to end up with something I’m very happy with. It’s a huge thing for me.”

Of course, a remake of Final Fantasy VII would be a fantastic thing to have. The graphics of the PSOne game are very dated, to say the least, and to see a remake of the game with visuals similar to that of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children would be phenomenal.

However, I do know that it is asking a lot and this man would have to exert an enormous amount of effort to do it right. Still, with the Final Fantasy series being on a downward spiral lately, maybe a remake of one of the series’ crowning achievements is exactly what it needs.

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